Actividades hospitalarias
Productos y servicios
Gestión hospitalaria
Actividades hospitalarias
Actividades hospitalarias
Hospital activities
The company is an active private company engaged in the management of a group of general medical and surgical hospitals. The registered business address of the company is located in Cadiz, Spain. The company was incorporated in 1982. Its services include complete medical services, complete surgical services, cardiopulmonary services, diagnostic cardiac care/rehabilitation, multi-slice CT (computed tomography), heart catheterization and specials procedure laboratory, home health, chemotherapy, lithotripsy, endoscopy, diagnostic radiology and nuclear medicine, nutritional counseling, industrial medicine, out-patient services, physical therapy, same day surgery, special care unit (ICU), fitness management program, 24-hour laboratory services. Its services are available on a 24-hour per day, seven-day per week basis.